10.0 Tipovi mehaničke zaštite

Stupnjevi mehaničke zaštite definirani su normama EN60529/IEC60529.

Osnovna oznaka mehaničke zaštite sastoji se od osnovne oznake i dviju brojki:

IP osnovna oznaka (International Protection)
prva brojka stupanj zaštite osoba od dodira s dijelovima pod naponom ili s unutarnjim pomičnim dijelovima i zaštitu električnog uređaja od prodora stranih krutih tijela
druga brojka stupanj zaštite od štetnog prodora vode

Najčešće oznake za transformatore: IP 00, IP 10, IP 11, IP 20, IP 21, IP 23, IP 41, IP54 i IP 65

Naši uređaji se uobičajeno proizvode u slijedećim stupnjevima:

IP 00 bez zaštite
IP 23 zaštita od dodira prstima, od prodora stranih krutih tijela promjera > 12 mm i prskanja vodom s dopuštenim otklonom do 60° od vertikale

10.0 Types of mechanical protection

Mechanical protection degrees are defined in the standards EN60529/IEC60529.

Basic designation of mechanical protection consists of basic designation and two numerals

IP basic designation (International Protection)
1st number level of personal protection against touching of parts under voltage or internal moving parts and protection of electrical unit against penetration of foreign solid matter
2nd number level of protection against harmful penetration of water

The most common transformer designations IP 00, IP 10, IP 11, IP 20, IP 21, IP 23, IP 41, IP54 and IP 65

Our units are usually produced as the following types

IP 00 without protection
IP 23 protection against touching, penetration of foreign solid matter with a diameter 12 mm and water splashing with allowed deviation of up to 60° from the vertical

10.0 Mechanische Schutzarten

Der Grad des mechanischen Schutzes wird in den Normen EN60529/IEC60529 definiert.

Das Kurzzeichen des mechanischen Schutzes bestehen aus Kennbuchstaben und zwei Kennziffern:

IP Kennbuchstaben (International Protection)
erste Kennziffer Schutzgrad für Personen beim Berühren von unter Spannung stehenden Teilen oder von beweglichen Innenteilen und Schutz des Elektrogerätes vor dem Eindringen massiver Fremdkörper
zweite Kennziffer Schutzgrad gegen schädliches Eindringen von Wasser

Die meisten Kurzzeichen für Transformatoren: IP 00, IP 10, IP 11, IP 20, IP 21, IP 23, IP 41, IP54 und IP 65

Unsere Geräte werden üblicherweise in folgenden Graden gefertigt:

IP 00 ohne Schutz
IP 23 Schutz vor Berührung mit den Fingern, vor dem Eindringen massiver Fremdkörper mit einem Durchmesser> 12 mm und vor Wasserspritzern mit erlaubter Abweichung bis zu 60° von der Vertikale